
Saturday, November 11, 2006


In the Wee hours of last Saturday morning, the sad news of the passing away of one of Mumbai's pioneer Zakeras - Maryam aunty Vakil shook us from our "slumber". She was a mominah par excellence and she proved that what she spoke from the pulpit was put into action. Her kind words soothed a heavy heart and her charitable nature helped many a family survive stressful days!

It is said that Death is the 'END". Similarly many schools of thought have called it a Termination of man's journey {Amre Adami}.Of course, this is the physical end of the human being but the end is different for different people.

The Holy Qura'an talks about a certain group of people when they are caused to die:
"Those whom the angels cause to die in a good state, say Peace be upon you,enter the garden (of Paradise) for what you did."
Surah Nahl: Verse 32

Did You notice the words of the ayat?
It is all about action my friends -thats the bottom line.. You do what you are commanded to do and let Allah SWT do what He deems fit; and ofcourse, He is not going to let any of our actions go in vain!!! And where our actions are lacking, for a variety of reasons the Intercession of certain personalties will be our saviour..

Coming back to Maryam aunty.. those of you who can read gujarati and have access to Ithna-ashri magazine(from Mumbai) you will find tafaseer translated by her. A tremendous effort - keeping in mind that she was a very busy zakera until just a couple of years ago...
(i have been trying to do some tarjuma..and its moving at snails pace!!)

I was asked to recited her Soyyum ki majlis and i was at a loss for words..what could one say about a lady so great in darajaat and akhlaaq??

Well, I just read a tradition from Bihaar ul Anwaar vol 3, and all of you will most certainly understand the status of a practicing Aalim.
The Holy Prophet SAW is reported to have stated that
"3 groups of people will be allowed to intercede on the Day of Judgement
1)Prophets (Anmbiya)
2)Scholars (Alims)
3)Martyrs (Shohada)

He goes on to say that
"Donot under estimate the Shia of Ali (AS),for each of them will intercede for the people equal to the tribes of Rabi'ah and Muzar"
We really feel so happy and complacent that we are the Shia of Ali (AS) and probably the misdaaq of the above hadith. However, in order to be in that esteemed list{death is certain- though we feel that it is not for us-according to traditions it comes "suddenly" and there is no time to repent, due to lack of Action or Intention!! probably Riyakaari or Hubbe Shoharat!!!(recognition among the people)}
so many thoughts crossing the mind..forgive the confused writing..but im sure most of you understand this..

Our amaals will be weighed according to our Niyyah and we will find our selves faltering and slipping on the Siraat,and we will find ourselves lonely and full of despair. At that time the Holy Prophet (SAW) says that his Shafa'at will be for certain people:
A) Those who respected and honoured his Progeny AS.
B)Those who fulfilled the desires of his Progeny AS.
C)Those who work for their cause.
D)Those who love them from their hearts and their tongues and in their actions...
(note the difference in the tone and meaning of the 2 traditions - where one talks of those who can do Shafaa't the second talks of the ones who will recieve it)
When we experience death of loved ones we realise how helpless we are in that situation, no amount of wealth or status can stop the angel of death from doing his job.. but surely we can ensure that we have a smooth passage?

We take pride in the fact that we are followers of the Saaqiye Kauther Ali (AS) and all of us desire that "cup of eternity" at those honourable hands. But let us see what this same Imam (AS) says regarding the status of his followers
"We shall all be at the Haudh..whoever desires to meet us there should strive to EMULATE our ACTIONS and our WORDS..their is a house for every believer..who acts nobly.."
{ref Khisaal: Shaykh Sadooq AR}
All of them have metioned one common thing and that is ACTION!!

Isnt it time we started moving in that direction??
Let's not be misdaaq of Surah Asr :2 "Innal Insaana lafi khusr.."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jazakallah.....she touched the hearts of many through her teachings

6:13 PM  
Blogger Floo said...

We really feel so happy and complacent that we are the Shia of Ali (AS)
yep .. it always makes me feel so honoured that I'm a shia and all the Imam's have said good stuff about us and us being the people who will 'cry for the son of Zahra (SA)' surely that makes be strive to become a better Shi'a and truely await Imam E Zamana (ATFS)

4:10 AM  
Blogger Sabira Mazhar said...

no doubt being shiah of Ali AS is a great honour.. but being a shiah of Ali AS in actions not words..remember "seeming to do something is not actually doing anything!!!"

7:48 AM  

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